Room Enhancements – Add a “Squeeze” of Lemon!

brighten up your room with a "squeeze" of lemon!
Bright citrus-induced colors are hot this year. Look at all the press Tango Tangerine has received! While we agree it’s a fabulous color, there’s also something to be said for mixing it up.

 Taking cue from the citrus family, we look to the tangerine’s cousin, lemon. This totally versatile flavor enhancer does the same for a room. You can keep it simple (and affordable) by adding a pillow or two, a window covering, or a new vase, some candles, even light fixtures. Just as a “squeeze of lemon” can make a dish, so can this color help make a room.

colors add life to any room
 Taking it up a notch, for an interior design project for Balfour, an assisted living center in Denver/Lafayette, we used lemon as a contrasting color – one for the walls and the other for the sofa. Or you can go really big and paint a wall or doors. There’s really no limit to what this luscious color can do for a room.

Yellow goes with so many neutral base colors, greys are very cool…but you can go warm and add it to a choco brown scheme or black. It also fits right in with magentas and emerald green – it really works well in a variety of applications.

With spring in the air and summer right around the corner, now is a perfect time to spruce up your rooms, which can be done easily and affordably, while bringing new life to your home’s interior.

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